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President Buhari in his Easter message urges Nigerians not to lose hope

The President has appealed to Nigerians not to lose hope of a brighter future for the country. In his Easter message to the nation, President Muhammadu Buhari was confident that Nigeria would overcome its challenges and become a great country. “Weeping may endure for the night, but joy comes in the morning,” he said in the statement personally signed by him on Thursday. The President was, however, worried about the attacks by terrorists, bandits and other criminals in parts of the country. He urged the people to intensify prayers for peace and security to return to the affected places, noting that the nation would overcome them under his leadership. President Buhari promised to do all it takes to adequately equip and motivate the security agencies in their resolve to combat crime in the country. He described Easter as the most important feast in the Christian calendar, saying it represented God’s redemptive mission over humanity. The President said there was a need to emulate the virtues of love, sacrifice, and forgiveness among others, and urged Nigerians to show love to their neighbours, especially the less-privileged. He wished all Christians in Nigeria and around the world celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ a happy Easter President full speech: I rejoice with all Nigerians, especially our Christian brethren on the glorious occasion of the celebration of Easter 2019. Easter is the most important feast in the Christian calendar and represents God’s redemptive mission over humanity, the triumph of light over darkness, hope over despair and good over evil. The Christian festival commemorating the resurrection of Jesus Christ is also a time to emulate the virtues of love, sacrifice, forgiveness, humility, courage and endurance, which Christ embodied and remarkably demonstrated during His earthly ministry. Let us use this auspicious season to show love to our neighbours, and cater to the needs of the less-privileged in our midst. Our nation is currently gripped with gloom over unfortunate killings, kidnappings and violence, as seen in the recent tragic incidents in some states of the federation. This should not be. We must reinforce the bond of brotherhood and good neighbourliness that citizens of a cohesive country must share. We must not allow the few bad elements in our communities to put asunder our communal tendencies and chords of unity. I know from my regular interactions with security chiefs, state governors, victims and members of communities caught up in the unfortunate cycle of violence, that Nigerians are united against the evil minority. This administration will do all it takes to adequately equip and motivate our armed forces and other law enforcement agencies to enable them successfully confront these security challenges. We will not allow merchants of evil and death to overwhelm the nation. Under my watch, the nation will triumph over them – terrorists, bandits, kidnappers and the like. On this holy occasion, I enjoin all Nigerians to intensify prayers for peace and security to return to all parts of the country. I also urge you not to lose hope of a brighter and greater future for the country when we do the right things in love. Weeping may endure for the night, but joy comes in the morning. I do not take the import of my re-election for granted, especially the expectations of majority of Nigerians towards providing adequate security, fixing the economy and fighting corruption. The obligation of this administration as we prepare to take governance to the Next Level, is to continue to provide dedicated and honest leadership, where every citizen irrespective of religion or ethnic origin, feels secure to live, invest and prosper; where public office holders are accountable; and lawbreakers are brought to justice. Once more, I wish all our Christian brothers and sisters in Nigeria and around the world celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ, a Happy Easter. Muhammadu Buhari

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